CCLME updates
- CCLME Newsletter July 2016
- CCLME Strategic Action Programme
- CCLME Sixth Project Steering Committee meeting, 2 - 3 February 2016, Dakar, Senegal
- CCLME Newsletter February 2016
- Executive Summary of CCLME Strategic Action Plan
- CCLME Transboundary Diagnosis Analysis
- Second meeting of the Mauritanian NIC, 25 February 2016, in Nouakchott, Mauritania
- PSC6 in local press
- PSC6 in local press
- CCLME Sixth Project Steering Committee meeting, 2-3 February 2016, Dakar, Senegal
- Subregional guidelines for the co-management of fisheries in Marine Protected Areas of the Northwest African zone
- CCLME Newsletter July 2015
- Bulletin CCLME juin 2015
- CCLME Newsletter February 2015
- GIS Workshop in Cape Verde - 23 to 27 February 2015
- CCLME Newsletter July 2014
- CCLME is recruiting a Biodiversity Habitat and Water Quality Consultant
- TORs Biodiversity Habitat and Water Quality Consultant
- TORs Biodiversity Habitat and Water Quality Consultant
- National consultation (study-analysis) on the co-management systems in the MPAs in Cape Verde
- National consultation (study-analysis) on the co-management systems in the MPAs in Mauritania
- National consultation (study-analysis) on the co-management systems in the MPAs in Guinea Bissau