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CCLME updates

National consultation (study-analysis) on the co-management systems in the MPAs in Guinea
National consultation (study-analysis) on the co-management systems in the MPAs in Senegal
Regional workshop on the validation of the methodology for the participatory monitoring and of demersal resources and fisheries on pilot sites and Identification of the steps for the development of guidelines for MPAs co-management regimes
CCLME is recruiting a consultant for the preparation of a regional consolidated report on the co-management system of MPAs in the CCLME area
TDR consultant for the preparation of a regional consolidated report on MPAS
TORs marine living ressources consultant
CCLME is recruiting a marine living ressources consultant
CCLME is hiring a Trade Policies Consultant
TORS Trade Policy consultant
TORs Trade Policies Consultant
CCLME is recruiting a consultant:Consultancy for the development of a critical habitats management plan for the CCLME region
CCLME Newsletter February 2014
First CCLME Socio-Economic and Trade Working Group meeting
CCLME third project steering committee meeting, 29 -30 November 2012, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
CCLME second steering committee meeting,28-29 November 2011, Casablanca, Morocco
Second meeting of the Transboundary Diagnosis Analysis Working Group
Report of the first meeting of the National Interministerial Committee of Guinea
Report of the Second Meeting of the Climate Change Working Group,16 -18 October 2012, Praia, Cape Verde
Second meeting of the Biodiversity Habitat and Water Quality Working Group
CCLME Fourth Project Steering Comittee meeting, 2-4 December 2013, Banjul, The Gambia
Regional Workshop on Putting into Practice the FAO Technichal Guidelines on MPAs and Fisheries Planning of Activities of the CCLME Demonstration Project No 4


Regional Coordinating Unit
Dakar, Senegal
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)

Supported by GEF IW:LEARN