Project of demonstration 3:Transboundary co-management of migratory coastal species of importance to artisanal fisheries (mullets, bluefish and meagre)
Report of the Coordination meeting of CCLME Project of demonstration 3
WS- Rapport sur la réunion de Coordination sur le projet de démonstration n°3 du CCLME_aout 2012.pdf
PDF document,
746 kB (764910 bytes)
Report of the workshop on the "validation of the results of the study to evaluate the economic benefits of benthopelagic fisheries resources, their distribution, and ways and means to improve these profits in a sustainable manner '
Rapport de l'Atelier_Validation de la consutation sur les benefices_ Demo n°3_version FINALE.pdf
PDF document,
844 kB (865138 bytes)