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CCLME bycatch reduction project

Reduction of the impact of coastal shrimp trawling through by-catch reduction and management changes

FAO © S. Garcia; Stranded industrial trawler. Mauritania


This CCLME demonstration project will be implemented as part of Component 2: Marine living resources

Participating countries: Mauritania and Guinea Bissau

Associated countries: Morocco, Senegal, the Gambia and Guinea

Industrial shrimp trawling is an important source of revenue to most CCLME countries and is responsible for substantial but poorly estimated by-catch, discards and ecosystem impacts. The project will assess trawling impacts and undertake field trials of selective, low-impact gears in order to demonstrate the feasibility and environmental benefits of selective, low-impact fishing methods.


see also information on:

FAO/UNEP/GEF Project "Reduction of Environmental Impact from Tropical Shrimp Trawling, through the Introduction of Bycatch Reduction Technologies and Change of Management
AFD/SRFC Project "Support to Co-management initiatives in fisheries and the marine environment"


Regional Coordinating Unit
Dakar, Senegal
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)

Supported by GEF IW:LEARN